
Fallout 3

So I played fallout 3 the other day because I have been in a mood to try and 100% achievements on my 360. Meaning that all of the achievements for this game are offline I am able to get them. Now I had played fallout early and never really liked it. I always thought it was stupid how the whole V.A.T.S thing worked. Its like they made it blood splattering so people forgot that it is auto aim. I actually played the whole game with out the vats just because I didn't like them. If I had used them I would have felt like I was taking the easy way out. I found the main story line to be really short and underwhelming for the "hype" this game has. I also had all the dlc so I played all that as well.

Out of all the DLC I found Mother ship to be the best. I loved how it looked and it felt like I was playing a 60's space movie. Moria's wasteland survival Guide quest line was the best part of the none dlc game. So as you can tell the characters that ended up being a little crazy (Moria and the little girl) really sold me on the game. With out those two characters this game to me would have been a chore. The sound effects are great and I like the way the world and characters looked.

Now for the bad this game is glitched as hell which is weird because my brother played the same disc and he said he never had any problems. As for me it froze every 2 hours which was really pissing me off towards the end. Also sometimes when I would look at the pit boy it was like someone was shining a light on it. There was one time when one the the bad guys walked through a wall. Just like mother ship was my favorite Broken Steel was my least followed closely by Point look out. The main story line was really lacking in any emotional feel for me. I didn't care what happened to the world of fallout, once your father dies there is no one else that you are connected to. I love that you can build weapons but 9! that's just stupid whats that point of putting in make able weapons when you are only going to put in 9.

I guess I will be playing new Vegas but I will not be buying it my brother has it pre ordered so when hes done with it I might check it out. I have heard that there is more weapons to be made in it and that the aiming system is apparently better as in FPS style but we will see. As of now I have 100% achievements for Fallout 3.

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